Master's Courtyard
It is clear, that old Hansa town like Tallinn needs to have its own quarter, street or at least a courtyard, to keep the historic tradition of craftmenship alive. A place, where professional craftsmen and artists can create their unique pieces and artwork to bring beauty into our everyday life, a place where one can learn, practice and apprentice with a master. A place to keep the tradition of making things with your own hands alive in spite of the global industrialization and market economy.
The aim of Master’s Courtyard was to create a collection of studios-workshops and galleries. Here you can see the process of making and creating the artwork by the masters, visit exhibitions or just enjoy a nice cup of coffee. You can feel and enjoy the cosy atmosphere in this beautiful courtyard in old town.

Villa Hortensia
The visitor’s apartments of Villa Hortensia are located in the heart of old town of Tallinn – in Master’s Courtyard, surrounded by different workshops and galleries and the already world famous chocolaterie Chocolats de Pierre.

Villa Hortensia
Villa Hortensia külaliskorterid asuvad ajaloolise Tallinna Vanalinna südames – Meistrite Hoovis, olles ümbritsetud mitmete erinevate kunsti- ja käsitöögaleriidega ning juba maailmakuulsaks saanud kohviku Chocolats de Pierre-ga.
Jaan Pärn
Every piece has its own story! Jaan Pärn’s aim is to create beauty and make wearable jewellery, which is sustainable and aesthetically pleasing for decades to come. As he has said: Nature is the best artist and I just aim to add the extra value to its artwork.

Jaan Pärn
Igal ehtel on rääkida oma lugu! Jaan Pärn soovib luua ilu enda ümber ja valmistada kantavaid ehteid, mis pakuvad esteetilist naudingut ka aastakümneid hiljem. “Loodus ise on kõige suurem kunstnik ja mina olen püüdnud sellele anda lisaväärtuse” on ehtekunstnik ise öelnud.
Chocolats de Pierre
Chocolaterie aka Choko is the coffeeshop in Master’s Courtyard. Its the place where all the citizens of the world meet. Every artist at heart and world traveller feels welcomed in Chokos cozy atmosphere.

Chocolats de Pierre
Chocolaterie ehk Choco on Meistrite Hoovi kohvik, kus kohtub kogu maailm. Choco hubases salongis tunneb end koduselt iga kunstnik ja ilmakodanikust boheem.
Master's Courtyard
Various art studios-workshops and exhibition spaces, where city residents and distant guests can observe the master’s daily work, enjoy their creations in exhibitions, or simply have a cup of good coffee in a beautiful courtyard in the old town.

Meistrite Hoovi
Erinevate kunstierialade ateljeed-töökojad ja näituseruumid, kuhu nii linnarahvas kui ka kaugemad külalised saavad tulla vaatama meistri igapäevatööd, nautima tema loomingut näitustel või lihtsalt jooma tassikest head kohvi ühes kaunis vanalinna hoovis.
Why visit us? What exciting things can you see and experience with us? Visitor feedback is important to us, and we are delighted that so many visitors have been satisfied with their time with us, and visiting Tallinn’s Old Town has left them with an unforgettable experience.
Miks tulla meile külla? Mida põnevat meie juures näha ja kogeda saab? Külastajate tagasiside on meile oluline ning on suur rõõm, et nii paljud külastajad on meie juures rahule jäänud ning Tallinna vanalinna külastamine on jätnud neile unustamatu kogemuse.